能谈谈亨利是我的荣幸. 亨利是独一无二的. 你知道有谁能用钢琴弹奏《十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台》的所有曲子吗? 亨利也. 给我这个年龄段的人, 或者就此而言, 任何其他年龄段的人都可以做的最酷的事情之一. Do you know anybody that can play piano without looking at the keys because her hair has grown so long in front that she can hardly see in front of her? 亨利也. 你认识受过古典钢琴训练的人吗, 但他足够开放,也足够有动力加入摇滚乐队? 亨利今年做的. You get where I am headed, she’s one of a kind person; a character; a Stevenson legend.
亨利自称是一位受过古典训练的钢琴家, 她有足够的知识和音乐才能证明这一点. 然而,我认为亨利是一个摇滚明星. 当我定义一个摇滚明星, 我是说一个勇敢的人, 在他们所做的一切中给予他们的存在, 那安静吗?, 自信, 凉爽的因素. 亨利什么都有. 我在很多场合都看到过亨利的勇气. 在课堂上,当她与课堂上的流行观点背道而驰时. During performances, especially the epic song she performed during the 艺术 Manifest. Anyone that was there can testify how moving 和 electric it was seeing 亨利 play. 这背后是很多的勇气和努力. That leads me to the second aspect of being a rock star: 亨利’s tremendous work ethic 和 ability to give her being to her work. 亨利经常说她不相信天赋,只相信努力. 她践行着这句谚语. 在我领导摇滚乐队的这些年里, 我从未见过比她更努力的人,她会督促自己和他人做到最好. 亨利倾尽全力, 和 we are a witness during performances of the countless hours of work that she puts in. 谢谢你这么努力工作. 见证你的劳动成果是多么美好. 亨利终于有了酷的一面. 这是披头士式的发型, 自信的凝视, 黑色的穿着, 她的讽刺, 和, 最终, 她的善良. 就我个人而言, 亨利 on many occasions would come up to me 和 ask me how she could help 和 inquire about events that have affected me this year. 亨利是独一无二的, 和 I could probably continue this speech for a bit longer; however, 我有一定的时间. 亨利, thank you for being one of a kind 和 congratulations on your high school graduation. 祝你明年大学一切顺利, 音乐界会在哪里意识到你的摇滚明星身份.
这么说, 不过要自信地说出来, 要满怀激情地说出这句话,必须经过深思熟虑. 在这一点上,我想起了一个问沃尔特·惠特曼:“草是什么??”, 以及惠特曼的回应, which showed us that to question the grass is to inquire–simultaneously–about the oppressively obvious 和 the endlessly enigmatic. 所以,一方面,罗西是一个毕业生. 她也更.
This is my first year at Stevenson, but when it comes to 罗西, I learned quickly. 作为她的导师,我和她一起学习,从她那里学习. 我了解到,在许多日子里,罗茜感到了挑战. 她感到不舒服。. 她感到挣扎、不舒服、不确定和担心. 但罗西不是这样的人.
As she embraced challenge, set goals, 和 fulfilled intentions, 她很有毅力.
As she arrived for the final Student Evaluation day 和 overcame discomfort to meet with teachers, 她很有毅力.
在朋友和老师中间, 在曼哈顿的天空下, 在自由女神像坚定的注视下, 罗西对同志情谊的承诺和对生活的拥抱是坚持不懈的.
看看这一切, 说这一切, 知道罗茜做的不仅仅是强迫自己, 因为在这个过程中, she inspired me 和 provided me with a perpetual mantra: When the going gets tough, 要像罗西一样坚强.
With all of this, I know that describing 罗西 as a graduate is an understatement.
凯利为她的老师写作. 她给朋友写信. 她写作并获奖. 但最重要的是,凯莉为自己写作. 她写作是为了发光. 她写作是为了寻找出路.
凯利是唯一一个连续三年选修“非创造性写作”课程的学生. In that time she distinguished herself as the polar opposite of that course’s title.
在那堂课上,凯利无所畏惧. She was always ready to work outside of her comfort zone, no matter how unconventional the prompt. 她强迫自己. 她无畏地分享她的工作,并提供周到的意见, 在批评时对同事提出建设性意见. 她是一个完美的小组成员, quick to make others feel comfortable; hers was a galvanizing, 鼓舞人心的存在.
如果一个作家的消费不如他的创作多,那他就不可能有什么成就. And in our time working together I came to know that 凯利 is an avid 和 capable reader. She is able to tease subtle nuances out of complex texts, 和 she often led class discussions. During a lesson last fall on conceptual metaphors from Johnson 和 Lakoff’s seminal text “Metaphors we live by,凯利是班上最早掌握并解释关键概念的学生之一.
凯利可以非常直言不讳. 她可以坚定地忠于自己的信仰. 她可以自信地质疑理性背后的理由. 凯利 can also recognize connections, empathize with common struggles, 和 guide her younger peers. 凯利可以做到这一切,同时用相关的文学作品点缀每一条评论, 政治, 流行文化也展现了她超越年龄的意识.
All of this means that in the eyes of this English teacher 和 the eyes of an English teacher thous和s of miles away, 凯利准备把它提升到另一个层次. 我们真的为她感到兴奋. 写在.
从一开始,我就能看出亚伦是一个善良的人. 他温和的举止, 他的敏感性, 他关心人的天性——你知道这是真诚的, 这是发自内心的. 在高级准备日, 他带来了美味的草莓蛋糕, 写着信息, “祝你好运, 老年人.“这并不奇怪,但对亚伦来说是一个典型的举动. 他是一个给予的人,他不期望任何回报. 亚伦, 给那些可能忘了说的人, “谢谢”, let me thank you now – for being the sentimental 和 empathic person that you are. 提醒自己这些优点,因为它们会让你走得更远. And I know you’ve mentioned that Stevenson is a home to you 和 that you will miss it – but as you’ve said, 你已经准备好进入人生的下一个阶段了, 你知道你可以随时回家.
拉丽莎,我要告诉你一个老师的秘密. 每当我们谈论我们的学生, 你的名字出现了, 总有人会说你“酷”.” Not cool in the sense of how Cleopatra is in Clone High or how Lottie wants to be in Snotgirl, but in the sense of having a sense of style that’s all your own 和 having an interest in art 和 literature 和 music that is idiosyncratic 和 individual, 然而,你很乐意与周围的人分享.
在我认识你并教你的这段时间里, I’ve always known I can count on you to have a different perspective on any topic than I expect, 使课堂讨论更有趣, 和 to strike up conversations outside of class on topics running the gamut from social justice to contemporary comics to 90s TV shows. 你的同情心, 创造力, 人才, 渊博的知识总是以意想不到的方式在你所做的每件事中闪耀. 我知道不管你接下来做什么, you’ll do it in a way that’s entirely 拉里萨 和 that you’ll find a way to surround yourself with people who appreciate that 拉里萨-ness. You’re going to have so many adventures, 和 they’re going to be entirely in your own style.
布莱恩·K. 沃恩写道:“每段感情都是一种教育. Each new person we welcome into our hearts is a chance to evolve into something radically different than we used to be.“谢谢你们让我成为你们教育的一部分. You’ve absolutely helped me evolve as a person 和 a teacher, 和 I hope I’ve done the same for you. 我很期待看到你接下来的选择, 因为我知道你的人生之路可能并不传统, but it will lead you to interesting places 和 that anyone who joins you on this journey will become a better person for it.
These are the words that greeted me anytime I passed, or was within 15 feet of, 大卫. You really have to hear them yourself to appreciate the warmth that they carry when he says them. 安慰的语调每次都是一样的,而且总是真诚的. His gregarious nature immediately puts you at ease; 大卫 is completely pure of heart, 真实的, 和真诚. 他有一定程度的自知之明, 元认知, 坦率,这在任何人身上都很少见, 更不用说那些还没有资格在总统选举中投票的人了..
大卫也很坚定. 大卫是一个自学成才的人,这让我很嫉妒. Anytime I saw 大卫 I knew that there was a good chance that he’d share with me his most recent project–maybe a fuzz box, 也许是前置放大器, 这面具. 也许是桁架杆的盖子. 这些都是他自己学会的. 然而,与接下来发生的事情相比,它们显得微不足道. 吉他. 大卫设计,形状,并建造了一个实心吉他. He h和 wired it 和 included a number of circuit modifications to produce a plethora of different tones. 他自己把脖子雕刻得很精确. 让我告诉你,它很有用. 大卫 has drawn inspiration from personal hardship 和 used it to fuel incredibly creative pursuits, 和 shaped them into beautiful 和 functional pieces of art that will no doubt be used to create music to be enjoyed by all those around him for decades.
One of the most meaningful things about working at Stevenson is not only the effect we all hope to have on our students, 但它们对我们的深远影响. 今年我偷偷地通过大卫生活. 他重新点燃了我从高中起就搁置的一个目标. I didn’t have the mental wherewithal or stamina to believe that I could pull it off alone, 所以我一直在研究角色,然后慢慢放手. 大卫独自完成了这件事. 也许他会愿意帮我解决我自己的问题.
除了大卫的平易近人, 认真, 还有不可思议的修补技巧, 他还拥有毫不动摇的诚实,这使他成为一名优秀的学生. 在科学领域尤其如此, 他的好奇心, 良好的逻辑, 和 thirst for inquiry as to the way things work has led to some tremendous accomplishments. 为了纪念他们, it is my pleasure to present this year’s Outst和ing Achievement in Science Award to 大卫. 祝贺你!